3rd Ifac Amest Workshop

1st announcement and call for papers

« Maintenance Technologies for Performance Enhancement »

October 19-21, 2016 - Biarritz, Radisson Blu Hotel, France

Time Left Until Event
134 days 12 hours 50 minutes 33 seconds


The 3rd IFAC AMEST Workshop which follows the AMEST events (2012 in Seville and 2010 in Lisbon) will be held in Biarritz in automn 2016.

The aim of the 3rd IFAC AMEST Workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners with background in reliability, maintainability, logistic support, PHM, diagnosis, prognostics, lifecycle management, sustainability in order to provide a survey of the advances in the field of maintenance and of its ability to take up the challenge of plant performance enhancement.


Contributions are invited in all areas pertaining to the engineering of advanced maintenance engineering, services and technologies including: modelling, specification, analysis, verification, control synthesis, simulation, and implementation. Case studies related to applications in various fields, such as manufacturing, process and batch industry, transport systems (cars, planes, trains, ships, ..), communication networks, energy production or defence systems... at design or operational levels are particularly encouraged.


Selected presented papers will be invited for possible publications in journals. Special issues are currently considered by the following journals:

  • - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  • - Annual Reviews in Control
  • - Production Planning and Control
  • - International Journal of Production Research
  • - Computers in Industry
  • - Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety

Important dates.

December 15, 2015:
Deadline for special session submission
February 15, 2016:
Deadline for draft papers submission
April 15, 2016:
Author notification
June 15, 2016:
Registration opening & final papers submission
July 15, 2016:
Deadline for the early-bird registrations
October 19-21, 2016:
Amest’16 Workshop

The comitee chairs.

Organization Committee
Chair Pr. François Pérès, ENIT-INP Toulouse
Cochair Pr. Benoit Iung, Université de Lorraine
International Program Committee
Chair Pr. Marco Macchi, Politecnico di Milano
Co-chair Dr. Christos Emmanouilidis, ATHENA RC


Radisson Blu Hotel

Phone Numbers.

Phone: (33) 562442700



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